The Warrior’s Way Part 5 of 6
Start Here Part 1 Lyssa had been watching the bridge from the shade of a trees for at least an hour. The sun was directly above them and the mercenaries stood guard…
The Warrior’s Way Part 4 of 6
Part 1 Lyssa woke to bird song and Abi humming to herself as she tidied up the camp. That was just great the girl was a morning person as well as…
The Warrior’s Way Part 3 of 6
Part 1 Lyssa kept the reigns tight as they crossed the bridge but Bouda avoided the unconscious body laying on the stones instead of trying to trample him. The warrior gave her a…
Mid Year Freak-out Tag
1. Best book you’ve read so far in 2019. The Tiger’s Daughter (Their Bright Ascendency #1) by K Arsenault Rivera This is about two girls who grow to love each other in a…
The Warrior’s Way Part 2 of 6
Previously Part 1 Lyssa swayed in the saddle, every now and then Bouda stopped to take a bite of a bush or leaves from a low hanging branch of a tree. They…
The Book Junkie Trials TBR
The Book Junkie Trials start this week. It’s a bit complicated so you should go watch the announcement video and read the FAQs to get the details. There are four teams. I did…
The Warrior’s Way Part 1 of 6
“Let him go.” Abi shouted, trying to be heard over the rushing water of the river. She ran towards the bridge her thin soled boots sliding on the mud slicked path. She’d worn…