“It’s chaos aboard Presley Station, as the corrupted Shan’tee – conceptual beings from a different order of reality – prey on the human colonists, while on the gas giant below, vast storms conjure up winds of horrifying speed — that threaten to tear the Station apart! Caught in the middle of the chaos: the Doctor and Gabby! Can the Doctor find the counter-melody that brings peace back to the Station? And can the ever-humming Gabby keep herself from singing – to stop her mind being invaded by a sentient song?!”
It picks up where the last issue left off. The doctor running through the falling buildings as the Bovodines stampede above. He actually makes it to the TARDIS which doesn’t usually happen because the writers like to cut him off from it to stop an easy way out of the story. This time he needs it to get up to the space station.
The doctor’s figured out that the nocturnes are not a natural virus but that someone is attacking the Shan’tee because they don’t like the peaceful relationship between the humans and Shan’tee.
Smokey, the Shan’tee that we met last issue, stows away on the TARDIS and helps the doctor with getting past the security on the space station that attacks them because it doesn’t recognize either of them as humans. I like that the Doctor’s temporary companion for this issue is non-humanoid. That doesn’t tend to happen either.
While this is happening Gabby gets to take charge of the people panicking at Presley station as more stampeding Bovodine’s are heading towards them about to destroy everything. And they’ve just found out the virus can now jump to humans. The doctor left her there to be safe but she’s a companion so anywhere she goes is never safe.
This story could have benefited from being another issue long as we were only just introduced to these characters and this interesting world and it’s already over. Another issue would have allowed them to explore the planet more fully and give the story room to breathe. The solution feels a little abrupt and giving it longer might have felt more satisfying.
The art work is still as brilliant as the first issue. I like this cover better than the first one. It’s more representatvie of Doctor Who is but still too gloomy for what happened in the issue.
A satisfying enough conclusion to the first arc but could have been better and I hope the next story continues with interesting ideas. (I really didn’t have a lot to say on this issue)
Rating: 6 out of 10
Previous Review: Doctor Who #1 Next: Review: Doctor Who #3
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